阁局无限,壹往无前 —— 阁壹系统集成设备(滁州)有限公司成功举办2024年终聚会活动 – Kelington System Integration (ChuZhou) Co., Ltd – Annual Dinner

Kelington System Integration (ChuZhou) Co., Ltd – Annual Dinner

2025 年 1 月 10 日,阁壹系统集成设备(滁州)有限公司在滁州盛大举行了年度盛会即5周年庆典,当天下午在KSI综合办公室进行了年终总结。全体员工齐聚一堂,共同回顾过去一年的辉煌成就,展望充满希望的新一年。年会现场气氛热烈,节目精彩纷呈,处处洋溢着团结奋进的气息。
On January 10, 2025, KSI ChuZhou celebrated its 5th anniversary at ChuZhou, with an annual review in the afternoon. The event was lively, featuring engaging performances and a strong spirit of unity.

In the evening, the annual event opened with a formal yet dynamic ceremony, followed by an inspiring speech from Managing Director of China, Dai Haibin. He acknowledged the team’s dedication in driving the company’s achievements and emphasized the role of cohesion and innovation. Looking ahead, he highlighted the need for strategic foresight and competitive positioning, urging everyone to strengthen the core business and strive for greater success.

After the speech, employees gathered for a group photo, capturing a moment of unity and energy as a lasting milestone in the company’s journey.

The 5-Year Loyalty Award honored dedicated employees for their commitment and passion. Amid resounding applause, company leaders presented trophies and certificates, recognizing their loyalty and inspiring others to grow with the company.

在游戏环节,一系列精心设计的团队游戏趣味十足。“投壶” 考验着员工的专注力、思维能力及心里素质,参与游戏的员工都保持稳定的站立姿势,注意力集中、思考角度调整,投出去的一刻有现场加油声、欢笑声此起彼伏。​
The game session featured engaging team activities, with the “Tou Hu” challenge testing focus, strategy, and composure amid cheers and laughter.

The event’s highlight was the ChuZhou Art Troupe’s captivating performances, featuring energetic dance, mesmerizing magic, and impressive vocal acts that kept the audience engaged.

The lucky draw thrilled attendees with exciting prizes. Cheers erupted as winners took the stage, elevating the event’s festive atmosphere.

The event strengthened team bonds and morale. Moving forward, KSI ChuZhou will embrace innovation, tackle new challenges, and achieve greater success together.

Original Text: KSI (ChuZhou) China
Translation:Kelington Group Berhad

Categories: News 2025